About the Smart Grid Customer Education Symposium
For more than ten years, the Smart Grid Customer Education Symposium has shed a spotlight on the role customers play in the adoption of smart grid and advanced technologies in the energy and utilities industries.
In today’s unprecedented times, we must prioritize customer education. The drivers are all around us–whether it is recent events in Texas that have made us more acutely aware of the importance of grid modernization, or a political spotlight on decarbonization and energy innovation, it is impossible to escape the indisputable urgency of this topic.
This year’s Symposium will shed a spotlight on outstanding achievements and innovation by organizations and individuals in the energy sector who have put the customer first. Join us virtually on June 8-9, 2021 as we address the topic of smart grid customer education for changing times and feature the nation’s most fearless “Game Changers”.
As we build smarter cities and smarter homes, we must remember that “smart” starts with purpose, and that purpose is to improve the lives of people. Utility customers therefore must understand the benefits of energy related technology or infrastructure investment.
It is only by the intersection of technology innovation and customer education that we can build a sustainable and smarter energy future together.
Juliet Shavit
Founder, The Smart Grid Customer Education Symposium